Patchwork Girl's Rambling Warps
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
      ( 1:20 PM ) Jessica  
I may start doing Friday Fill-ins:

I did this one almost 8 years ago:

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #74

Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT!

Questions courtesy of MindFul Mimi who had some thought- provoking ones this week; thank you, Mimi!

I'd love to feature your questions, if you'd like to leave some for future use please feel free!

1. For me _____ is the opposite of creativity.
2. _____ was the last excellent book I read.
3. I like fill-ins because _____.
4. In nature I like looking at _____.
5. _____ should win the US elections.
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!

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Welcome to Patchwork Girl's Rambling Warps blog... where I talk about just about anything from projects to just stuff to rants and whatever... I started blogging here on July 31st, 2002 and have been blogging on my website with Movable Type. I do not promise to blog regularly! I will blog when I feel like:

Blogging Without Obligation:

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