Patchwork Girl's Rambling Warps
Saturday, December 03, 2016
      ( 4:01 AM ) Jessica  
I've been taking a tapestry weaving course online given by Rebecca Mezoff. Check it out!

I'm also selling looms on my website, Weaving Rainbow. Click on Hokett Looms & Tools to see them. I've been weaving on a tiny 6 dent and original 8 dent and may get one of the intermediate looms eventually.

Although Rebecca's course is not closed captioned, I'm finding it to be an excellent way to practice listening with my cochlear implant because it's a subject that I'm familiar, I'm able to pick out enough words to be able to follow along; watching her warp & weave is a bonus, and I would enjoy that even if I couldn't hear a thing! 

It really is exciting to be able to understand so many words... I do better with her course than I do in the audiologist's booth! 20% in the booth (with a challenging map, possibly better with my older September map) a wild guess, 50-60% with Rebecca's course & I understand enough words to fill in the others with context.

When I was younger, I tried resisting auditory training practice. It's biting me in the butt now (see booth scores), but I practice every so often. I should practice more! That said, I somehow did pretty well on the telephone when I was younger. In the last 10 or 15 years, my ability to understand on the phone deteriorated. I can't really understand on a cell phone, but I suspect it's because it's different from an older phone.

I am hoping to get my other ear done, even though the doctor isn't sure I would get a lot out of it. It'd be better than my hearing aid, for sure! I'd like to give it a chance, and I'd like to get it done before the newcoming administration makes changes to various health programs...  I keep my political thoughts to myself most of the time. I don't like to argue politics, it's not something I'm good at, though I've learned a lot through this election cycle than before... I think I finally understand the electoral college, but can't decide whether or not we should keep it. I'm on the fence.

Anyway, I got on here to say how important it is to listen to different things: environmental, music, speech, etc. Since I started writing, I heard the train, and the rain. Earlier, my son was playing guitar in his room, and some of the sounds he was playing sounded like a low growl. I looked at our dog, Buttercup, and she didn't look disturbed at all...she's a very easy going, friendly girl... I touched her throat & then realized, "OH!! it's the guitar making that sound!" Maybe I'll try to get a video of him making that sound, and will TRY to get a photo of Buttercup. She's hard to photograph... 

I've found that doing focused listening when watching videos helps. I don't always need the captions anymore...and listening to something I'm familiar with with words that I expect to the case of what Rebecca teaches, I hear words like warp, weft, loom, beater (nothing violent, here! it's a fork or fork shaped tool that helps pack the weaving) and other words often used when discussing tapestry weaving.


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Welcome to Patchwork Girl's Rambling Warps blog... where I talk about just about anything from projects to just stuff to rants and whatever... I started blogging here on July 31st, 2002 and have been blogging on my website with Movable Type. I do not promise to blog regularly! I will blog when I feel like:

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